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Bending Machine Maintenance Tips for Optimal Performance

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Naon anu kuring kedah laksanakeun upami aya masalah sareng kontrol kakuatan tina kaca dimping?
Kalayan pamutikan syarat tanaga jalma pikeun kualitas kahirupan, sagelas pinter lelary lily langkung mirah janten bagian anu penting tina seueur imah sareng tempat komérsial. Henteu siga kaca biasa tradisional, dimuding sagelasmén tiasa ngadalikeun transmit gambar sora sapertos dina ngarobih kakuatan sawah sampurna sacara bébas di transparan, supados ngahontal yén gentil internal. Nanging, dina anggo jangka panjang, protming anu kontrol kakuatan ukuran kaca, sapertos teu tiasa dianggo, henteu tiasa dijuyukeun, kualitas transisi miskas, jsb. Dina waktos ayeuna, urang kedah nyandak ukuran anu luyu pikeun ngalereskeun atanapi ngaganti controller listrik. Di handap ieu kuring bakal jéntré kumaha ngungkulan masalah sareng ngirangan kadali daya kaca. Sateuacan urang tiasa ngukur masalah sareng kontrol kakuatan, urang kedah ngartos naha masalahna lumangsung. Dina kalolobaan kasus, masalah sareng kontrolram leutik PDLC muna tiasa aya hubunganana sareng aspék di handap ieu: 1. Pelanggaran Power Kakuatan: Upami Kontrol anu nampi pasokan listrik anu teu cekap, tiasa gagal gagal. 2. Hubungan kawat goréng: upami garis listrik teu dina kontak anu saé, éta tiasa nyababkeun pasokan daya pikeun gagal ngirimkeun biasana. 3. Pirkuit Eato tina Doblik Kontrol: upami antarbang bodas dina kaca Ukuran anu dipotong pondok siropek, konsekual moal jalan. 4. sepuh controller: Nganggo negeskeun kakuatan kaca anu lami ogé tiasa ngabalukarkeun éta umur ka kolot sareng gagal damel normal. 5. Alesan anu sanés: aya sababaraha alesan anu teu gunana, sapertos Tematik Jibe, toél palsu, sareng sajabana, anu ogé tiasa nyababkeun masalah sareng pangurus kakuatan warna kaca.
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    Naon anu ditambah lampu pdlc anu kapangaruhan tanpa listrik?
    Steri PDLC kanggo kaca minangka bahan gelas khusus anu umum dianggo di bulanset, kamar konperit, kantor sareng tempat sanés. Citikistik na nyaéta yén bisa nyieun gelas anu atitisasi, panginten disina sareng ningkatkeun privasi arter kamar rohangan. Kami sering ngabandingkeun dua sagelas Smart Smart nganggo kaca biasa, nganggap yén gelas atomisasi kudu berkandekskeun nalika éta ditubur, tapi ogé tiasa ngagaduhan gelombang lampu seler dorongan. , sapertos gelas biasa, gaduh insulasi sora anu saé, testasivasi panas, karakter panganjangan sareng karakteristik anu sanés, anu anjeun ngagaduhan aplikasi anu khusus dina seueur kaayaan. Nyandak gelas PDLC Skrim Privasi PMLC kalayan kabuktian anu langkung biasa, insulasi anu luar biasa sareng penting sareng pagunaran kaamanan minangka conto, urang bakal nyerat transpips cahaya sareng kagiatan prinsip liwat prinsip lampu dumasar kana analisis na. Selas atomisasi Ajuk gelas kurun disebat disebat kaca Smartasi Tina PDLC (polimom ngipen kristal cair) téknologi, anu tiasa dianggo dina seueur sawah, sareng panto kamar. Prinsipna nyaéta ngabongkar kristal cair antara dua lapisan kaca sareng lapisan anglate ngaliwatan téknologi pdlc. Beungeut gelas dilapis kalayan iTo (Indium Té oksida) lapisan prakték. Dina kaayaan Actase, lapisan pasipput ngaluyukeun kristal cair ka nagara paralel. Répraksi silih, ngabentuk kaayaan transparan sapertos pola; Sabalikna, nalika kakuatan pareum, panyababkeun petani konduktif dianteuna, sareng kristal cair nyaéta kaayaan gelas pikeun permukaan gelas. Janten Faction cahaya. Nanging, ieu henteu hartosna yén henteu transparan nalika teu asup. Dina henteuna listrik, beungeutkeun gelas tiris tiasa muncul dina kaayaan hal hal, tapi biasana bakal aya seueur lampu péngkolan pilem pdlC kanggo kaca. Ieu kusabab desain internal tina kaca, karakteristik sagi sorangan.
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    Metak kabel kabel anu dimaksud
    Seueur konsumén milih gelas pinter, bakal hariwang ngeunaan pamasangan wétan teratur, pamakean jangka panjang, pamakean jangka panjang sareng masalah sanés. Dinten ayeuna, kuring hoyong bagikeun sareng anjeun metode tetan sareng pamasangan PDLIED Courcy kanggo aplikasio jalan. Wiring pamasangan Spring Spring Panto Swing mangrupikeun panto ngageser, tapi ogé panto anu langkung umum. Éta ngaléngkahana gulung dina 90 ° atanapi 180 °. Pusat gravitasi dirojong ku sumbu handap, sareng sumbu luhur anu diantoskeun. Jalur pamasagianna ogé sederhana pisan, mimiti sadayana tina langit pikeun ngantunkeun kelompok jalur (kawat enol), akséshik corak atanapi jinis u-jinis atanapi jinis u-jinis up anu dipotong. Naha Dekerasi Bangsa bakal disumputkeun. Wiring Tarjamahan Tarjamah Tarjamah Lawang pagunaran dielok di kénca sareng salah ogé seueur latihan, kalebet panto tarjamah roda nongkrong, panto otomatis. Peteran ngirangan kabel panto panto kaca rada sesah, panto utama pikeun dua sisi gerakan, ngalibetkeun tarik kawat sieun ngabalukarkeun rusak. Metode Ngawangun umum nyaéta: Tambihkeun Tangki Tok. Benang kana ranté tank sareng mindahkeun sapertos topi topi. Ieu henteu ngirangan narik, tapi ogé ngirangan ngagem kabel. Tanduran pamasangan super Garisoowing sudut pandang mangrupikeun sesah pikeun kaluar panto partiti anu tiasa nganggo bakal langkung komplek, anjeun tiasa nganggo pigek per pigura alumis. Ditukna Advanum.
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    Kopi atomisasi gampang pikeun ngejat?
    Kelas pinter henteu gampang rusak upami dianggo leres. Dikomumisasi kaca nangtung aranjeunna ningali prinsip téknologi patal -émbalan, bahan kristal cair anyar anu nempel kana kaca, pilem sareng bahan dasarna ngagaduhan produk kaca. Kaca PDLC tiasa dilarapkeun kana rupa-rupa lokasi alat. Kelas gampang ogé disebut Kakuatan éléktronik sacara éléktronik anu dipaké pikeun ngaluyukeun transparansi sareng atomisasi sagelas. prielying kaca substrat dikendali sacara éléktratatif gampang: Nalika aya produk anu dikadalikeun éléktronik dipiceun, molekul kristal anu dikontrol sacara umum bakal lebetkeun, pastina Kaca dikandung sacara éléktronik muncul opak. Kantun potong, sagelas anu tiasa diberesihkeun mangrupikeun robih fleksibel antara transparan sareng andceque ku ngagunakeun pintonan kontrol tegangan. Sanaos harga jinis ieu sagelas obat luhur, tiasa maénkeun peran upami anjeun leres-leres peryogi. Pangaruhna saluareun imajinasi anjeun. Gelas dimmable Dimming glass is a new type of special photoelectric glass product with a laminated structure that combines liquid crystal film into the middle of two layers of glass and is glued under high temperature and high pressure. Ieu hususna produksi sareng nganggo Kekerféréksi Pank Pagermah SmINCHC, 1.1 Resoles antara kontak taneuh tina kaca atomisasi sareng bagian-bagian supados dibéntangan moal langkung ti 0,1 ;1; 1.2 bocors lanté ukuran ukuran atanapi gelas anu teu kedah langkung 0,25M; 1.3 Kaca Arumar adat kedah tahan 120V AC, tahan 60 detik tanpa ngarecah; 1.4 Kahirupan Kolotan Kopi atomized henteu kurang ti 5000h; 1.5 kaca atanapi kaca kedah dianggo normal di -10 ℃ ~ + 60 ℃ lingkungan.
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    Naon pangalaman pangguna tina pilem dimping?
    Pangalaman pangguna (UX) Fokus kana ngartos pamaké sareng naon anu aranjeunna diperyogikeun, naon anu aranjeunna Semen Ku hartosna, kamampuan sareng watesanna. Sareng pangalaman pangguna film portir anu dimming diménsi ogé ogé. Kapake Béduan antara ngirangan kaca pinter sareng sagelas biasa nyaéta tiasa nyaluyukeun transparansi. Teu aya sagelas khusus pikeun hiasan arsituén, ogé katelah gelas anu dikelalifusi énergi sareng kaca atomizedly. Éta tiasa nyarios yén éta revolusi dina nyirian lampu lampu tunggal kaca biasa sareng produk kanas ukuran kaca di arah téknologi tinggi, éléktronika sareng kekrasan sareng intelrési sareng intelekronika. Diliayaan Prinsip dimping kaca Sm Smart mangrupikeun: Dina kaayaan alam, susunan molekul kronfés cair di jero ogé, indéks réaksama di luar polimérén di luar polimérus luar. Polimér, anu suung bodas, nyaéta, opak. Saatos enérovation, drooplets cair dina polimér kristal cair diaktipkeun, ngarobih parobahan polistal tifiri, sareng indéks refreaks sami sareng indéks refreaks sami sareng indéks refreaks sami sareng indéks refreaks sami sareng indéks rébuan pikeun ngabentuk kaayaan transparan. Bisa dicandak Lanchhen Tiqiqxunun Téknologi Co., Ltd. nyaéta panyayangan layanan anu lengkep pikeun ngémutan dina solusi anu kadali anu gaduh gambar. Tim kami parantos ngumpulkeun tibatan sapuluh taun pangalaman industri pangalaman dina médan kacilakaan calo calakan, ka bumi, penjualian jieunan sareng nyayogikeun palayan global profésional, produk anu cerdas Jasa. Kalayan kakuatan téknis anu dipasang sareng ngudag pangalaman pangguna pameran pamustangna, perusahaan sacara hasilfikasi produksi anu hadé salaku produk digital tina industri sareng kahadean pasar. Dipercaya 1. Saatos nampi laporan, jalma-jalma-personel jasa -Sales kami bakal ngatur personél téknis pikeun ngajawab masalah. 2. Upami éta masalah produk, sareng dina guyonan, kami bakal masihan perbaikan bébas pikeun mastikeun aman; Upami produk ngaleuwihan jaman garansi, kami bakal nyayogikeun jasa dina situs, ngan ukur biaya pikeun biaya pangropéa. 3. Upami ruksak produk anu disababkeun ku palanggaran ngagunakeun aman dianggo atanapi prédah pendaptaran poean, ogé manusa unggal paméré, gaya ékspun teu tiasa tanggungepkeun ku ngalaksanakeun nilai atanapi ngagantikeun pikeun ngalereskeun atanapi ngagantikeun contona. 4. Anjeun ogé tiasa ngahubungi kami pikeun nganggo produk, pangropéa sareng masalah anu aya hubunganna sanésna. Ieu kaseueuran pikeun anjeun ngadamel saran atanapi koméntar anu lumrah dina produk kami. 5. Supaya mastikeun panggunaan aman, kami bakal nuturkeun produk anu berkualitas. Punten gawé bareng sareng radio rohangan kami sareng épéktip ngajagi privasi rohangan pribadi anjeun. Pantes Kaca Ukeed Smarthing dibatesan sareng jelas, anu ngabéréskeun garis anu kaku résgeteran rohangan rohangan. Leuweung sareng elegan, atanapi seger sareng alami, atanapi lemes sareng caang, pinuh ngagambarkeun pesona na. Nalika kaca dimonting teu dibayar, éta tiasa dijalankeun ti imah di proyék sareng lampu amben tiasa dikawasa dina waktos anu sami, supados sagelas tiasa nampilkeun gambar anu jelas. Digabungkeun sareng pigura nois infra infra, ngabentuk skala internét ageung " (Tiasa dilakukeun dugi ka 130 inci ukuran), nyiptakeun widang ramalan énggal. Wilmpang TQX ng jelas sareng terang, gampang bersih, awas sora anu saé, tiasa dileungitkeun, sareng metodeu panyersa tiasa dirancang. Bisa diaksés Selas PDLC calakan tiasa ngarobih wanda sareng fungsi tina kaca dina sakedés numutkeun kana kaayaan anu béda, umur méwuhan sareng kabutuhan sanésna. Éta tiasa ngarobih transparansi kaca di hiji instan, bener-bener sadar efek 'cahaya cahya nuturkeun kuring'. Sihir nya éta parobihan kaayaan tiasa dikontrol ku pangguna di leungeun. Ngan pencét saklok atanapi kadali jauh pikeun nyiptakeun rohangan pribadi sareng épéktip ngajagi privasi pribadi. Aya rupa-rupa metode anu kontrol pikeun pilem spring, sapertos kad kontrakeun jauh, aplikasi phone, WiFi, kontrol magnét, sareng indh.udit, sareng indcr. V alituable 1. Konstruksi instan sareng kontrol rohangan pribadi. 2. Éféktif ngajagi kasalametan pribadi. 3. Ngaronjatkeun kanyamanan rohangan. 4. Langkung édisi ngagunakeun wangunan wangunan. 5. geulis sareng panon. 6. Nyimpen énergi, ngirangan AC. 7. kakuatan rendah. 8. Blok 99% lampu UBaviolet sareng 98% sinar infrared pikeun ngajaga kaséhatan manusa. 9. Gambar ramalan kualitas luhur. 10. kualitas optik alus. 11. Taun panalungtikan panalungtikan sareng pangalaman, téknologi anu dipercaya. 12. Ladenan primitip sareng jasa penjualan, 2 taun jaminan.
What are the advantages of smart film over traditional glass film?
What are the advantages of smart film over traditional glass film?   Compared to the traditional glass film, the pdlc smart film has the following advantages: 1. Adjust dimming characteristics: AQA liquid crystal film is electronically controlled to switch between light-transmitting and opaque states. 2. Heat insulation and sunshade: AQA liquid crystal film uses a combination of two rare earth metal film layers and a liquid crystal layer layer. On the basis of the principle similar to the traditional automobile heat insulation film (metal layer sieving), the main body relies on liquid particles of liquid crystal (a liquid sphere with a radius of one-thousandth of a millimeter) the 360° reflection acts as the workhorse of the insulation. The solar thermal insulation coefficient is as low as 0.4, and the heat gain is less than 28%. In the hot summer, compared with the traditional heat insulation film, the leather surface of the car seat can be lowered by about 20°C. Due to the presence of liquid droplets, our research found that what is more commendable is that the membrane can better avoid heat leakage in winter, and it can reflect more comprehensively whether it is waves, particles, or radiation.   3. Safety: It can completely replace the explosion-proof film and make the car glass more difficult to damage. Even if the glass is broken, the whole piece will not shatter and fall off.   4. Intelligent control: quick response, whether from open to close or close to open, will not exceed 0.02 seconds, more intelligent and convenient.   5. Privacy protection: AQA Self-adhesive PDLC film mainly uses special materials and its intelligent control system, which can control the transparency of the glass at any time during use, so it has a very good privacy protection function.   6. Energy saving and environmental protection: due to the excellent heat insulation and resistance to ultraviolet and infrared rays, the utilization rate of air conditioners in cars or buildings can be greatly reduced, and at the same time, the reflection of ultraviolet rays can prevent the aging of car interiors and building interior items. These characteristics endow it with the function of energy saving and environmental protection.   7. Sound insulation: After our experiments, we found that the Switch Glass film also has the function of blocking noise, effectively blocking all kinds of noise up to 38 decibels! 8. Projection: Due to the high utilization rate of light energy due to the characteristics of liquid crystal, the projection effect is very good, far exceeding the ordinary projection screen!
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    How to prevent the smart film from being broken when handling and moving the film?
    How to prevent the smart film from being broken when handling and moving the film?  5 Precautions to avoid liquid crystal pdlc film being broken Dimming smart film is the core material for the production of dimming smart glass. It is a multilayer and composite structure film. The dimming film can also be made into a self-adhesive type, directly pasted on the glass, turning ordinary glass into pdlc glass smart film. The dimming film is very fragile. Although the outer layer is protected by a protective film, it can only prevent some small scratches. In the process of packaging, handling, construction, etc., if the operation is not done properly, it is easy to break the film. So in what situations is it easy to break the membrane? Pay particular attention to the following 5 common situations. 1. When rolling the pdlc smart film, the core diameter should be controlled in the range of 15-20cm. If the core is too small, it will be pressed against the film. If it is too big, it will easily slip in the middle. (If the core wire is too small, it will be pressed against the film; if the core wire is too large, it will easily slip off) 2. Hands should be light during film retractions and unwinding. Hold the film and slowly retract it without pressing. (During rewind and rewind operations, keep your hands light, hold the magic glass film and rewind slowly without pressing.) 3. It is strictly forbidden for two people to lift the unopened membrane, otherwise the membrane will easily break due to uneven force. 4. Try not to put other irrelevant tools on the operating table of the membrane, otherwise it is easy to scratch the edge of the membrane. 5. In the process of handling and moving the membrane, pay attention to the surrounding environment to prevent damage to the membrane. The above is the relevant knowledge summarized by dimming glass manufacturers, and I hope it can help everyone.
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    Decorative effect of dimming glass partition
    The current decoration and decoration materials are more and more abundant, and people's design of office and home is more and more diversified, personalized and intelligent. In such an environment, the concept of “light decoration and heavy decoration” has been recognized by more people, and more attention has been paid to the green environmental protection of decorative building materials. As a new type of hollow partition material, glass partition is mainly the creation of interior decoration style, color tone and atmosphere, and our use of glass partition is mainly based on the role. Today, let's take a look at the decorative effect of dimming smart glass partitions! Decorative effect of privacy dimming glass partition The modern interior design includes a comprehensive indoor environment design including soft and hard decoration, which involves not only the visual environment and engineering technology, but also the aspects of light, sound, heat, mood, color, atmosphere and cultural connotation. Therefore, the design must be combined with the art of decoration to achieve the purpose of interior decoration. In the interior decoration, the smart glass partition has two states of transparency and atomization. Different colors or other processing can be selected according to the needs, such as making various patterns into the silk, and fully exerting the aesthetic effect of the decoration. The pdlc laminated glass partition can replace the curtains. Just press the remote control and the glass will be atomized immediately, so that you can enjoy the technology and have the effect of the curtains. Dimmering glass partitioning In the decoration of the office or the room, whether it is the furnishings and placement of furniture or accessories, it should be set off against the background of the indoor environment. In the office decoration, it is also necessary to set off the corporate culture of the company. The transparent and opalescent state of the pdlc film smart glass creates a simple yet atmospheric style, which also brings out a fashion taste, which can be easily incorporated into various decorative styles. Adjustment of dimming glass partition Sometimes you will encounter adjustments in areas that are not ideal, or you may want to improve the space that is not bright enough. In the actual decoration, we are more common to separate a large office space with a glass partition. The flexible and fast state switching operation experience of dimming glass gives it the advantage that traditional partitions can't match, which is also the advantage of dimming glass. Reasonable division of space not only can beautify the environment, but also effectively improve the flexibility and control of indoor space. While improving the utilization of indoor space, it also greatly improves work efficiency. It is the best choice for both.
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    Smart dimming glass maintenance tips
    Intelligent dimming smart glass, which sounds more advanced technology products, is actually a kind of glass that switches between transparent and opaque glass through electronic control and light control. Now in Shenzhen decoration, it has gradually entered the scope of home decoration. For users who have installed this kind of glass, it may be a headache for maintenance. Today, there are several maintenance techniques for privacy dimming glass. 1, anti-collision Usually do not force the glass surface, in order to prevent the glass surface scratching, it is better to lay the table cloth. When placing things on the dimming glass furniture, take care and avoid collision. 2, placed and fixed The smart tint glass furniture is better placed in a relatively fixed place. Do not move back and forth at will. It is necessary to place the objects smoothly. The heavy objects should be placed on the bottom of the glass furniture to prevent the furniture from being unstable and causing the furniture to fall over. In addition, to avoid moisture, stay away from stoves, and be isolated from chemical reagents such as acid and alkali to prevent erosion and deterioration. 3, towel wipe For daily cleaning, wipe it with a wet towel or newspaper. If it is stained, it can be wiped with a towel, beer or warm vinegar. You can also use the glass cleaner currently sold on the market. The solution is clean. The surface of the winter pdlc laminated glass is easy to frost, and it can be wiped with cloth dampened with concentrated salt water or white wine. The effect is very good. 4, toothbrush wipe Once the patterned pdlc smart glass is dirty, it can be removed by rubbing the toothbrush with a cleaning agent along the pattern. In addition, you can also drop kerosene on the glass or use chalk chalk and gypsum powder to dry the glass and dry it with a clean cloth or cotton, so that the glass is clean and bright.
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    How the dimming glass works?
    When the dimming smart glass is turned off, the liquid crystal molecules inside the electronically controlled privacy dimming glass will exhibit an irregular dispersion state. At this time, the electronically controlled glass exhibits a transparent and opaque appearance state; when the dimming glass is energized, the liquid crystal inside The molecules are neatly arranged, and the light can be freely penetrated. At this time, the dimming glass is instantly transparent. During the lunch break in the office, when there is a meeting to be discussed, when it is convenient in the bathroom, when you don’t want people to see the things in the room, and any time you don’t want to be disturbed, there is a partition wall pdlc glass, one key Switch to the atomized state and immediately create a private space. Although the glass is fogged, most of the light can still pass through, and the room will not become dark just because the glass is turned off. If conditions permit, take a look at the sample first, so you can get a good idea. In some occasions or specific decoration styles, the effect of plain white is better, it can better show the advantages of switchable laminated glass, and the price is more cost-effective.

Tunjuk Pabrik

Pabrik pabrik


Salaku salah sahiji pasar panglegana pikeun sagelas pinter di dunya, pilem pdlC sacara seueur di China, dina kaayaan gedong kantor, loté, rumah tangga, sareng sakola.

Ruang privasi kantor

Tembok Batu ngawangun

Kaca kabel partisi

Kontrol bumi pinter

Kabinet tampilan layar


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  • 3d témbok témbok kaca fotonik
  • Kodeu privasi jempé dimpiing kaca pinter
  • Kopi Kaca Éléktrokic Nyalametkeun kaca hiasan imah
  • Importasi White White White Film View Potter
Iklan Iks iklas Ditambah Diri Film
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Blok gelas buta bising
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Kami bakal ngahubungi anjeun langsung

Eusian langkung seueur inpormasi supados tiasa nyambung sareng anjeun gancang

Pernyataan privasi: Privasi anjeun penting pisan pikeun kami. Perusahaan urang jangji henteu ngungkabkeun inpormasi pribadi anjeun kana ijin anu jelas.
